Monday, October 6, 2008

Adorable 18 month old for sale - CHEAP!

I am not sure if my other 3 kids were ever as mischevious as my Grant is. Maybe I just don't remember it with them. Grant is a constant worry and trouble-maker. Here is a list of some of his favorite tricks:

  • Turning the TV off over and over and over

  • Pushing the "open" button on the DVD player in the middle of your show.

  • Tearing apart Tommy's train track that we have painstakingly constructed

  • Kicking the trains off the track

  • Throwing the folded clothes all over the place

  • Closing the dishwasher door everytime I turn around to grab another dish

  • Opening the shower door (yes, during a shower) over and over and over

  • Finding EVERYONE'S toothbrush and loosing them.

  • Pushing the buttons on the computer

  • Climbing

  • Climbing

  • Climbing

As I said, he is absolutely adorable. When he is sweet, he is sure sweet. He doesn't do any of these (and more) horrible things out of malice, I think he is just extra curious. I don't want anyone to think he is that bad so here is a list of sweetness:

          • Every morning he has to give Tommy a huge, long hug.

          • He laughs at whatever the other kids are laughing at, even though he has no clue what it is all about

          • He has the cutest crying face

          • He makes funny faces

          • He is a daddy's boy. He runs to Clayton anytime he sees him.

          • He plugs his nose when he is poopy. It's so cute!

          • He loves to cuddle under a blankie

          • There's no better noise than his laughter. Especially from upstairs where I know the kids must be playing with him.

          I, of course, would never give Grant up. He makes our life exciting and busy. We love him so much and can't wait to see what he can come up with next.


          Alyson | New England Living said...

          Ahhh...brings back memories. I'm soooo glad to be past that stage forever!

          He looks so much like your side of the family, Rachel!! So adorable!

          Lisa said...

          If you really want to solve the TV problem...put an office mat upside down by your tv. It worked for us once, and I have been thinking of doing it again. Although, the soft pillows against the cabinet doors seem to be working for the moment.

          Kathy said...

          I love this Grant segment. It is so wonderful to have extra curious children isn't it. The Lord always makes them extra cute so that they are that much easier to forgive.

          Serin said...

          Rachel! Holy crap, you're pregnant! Congratulations! I'll have to stalk your blog to see how life is with five because I'm not done. ;)

          Trieste said...

          He is sooo cute! I love that he is so mischevious and gets into girls are so much like that! I can't keep the house clean at all!

          Jeanette said...

          We'll take him! We love your little "munch monsters" (remind me to tell you that story sometime :) I found your blog through the Wittes, I hope it is ok if I add yours to our 'friends' list!

          Lizz said...

          LOL! He sounds like my youngest! I am amazed at your domestic vibe! Crafts, quilts, cooking...5 KIDS??? Do you own a time machine? HOW do you do everything in such a tiny little day? I am totally fine with your "Blog-Stalking" I am guilty of the same crime.