Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Phillipps family reunion

After much agonizing over what to do and where to go, the day finally came to go camping at Lodgepole. It was so great to see all our relatives that live far away and get to know them more. We even had one night when all 8 siblings were there. (I am still mad at them for not getting a picture!) The kids just love love love camping. The fire provided kid entertainment for the whole time (literally). The older cousins had a few rip-roaring games of Risk going. Clayton and Curt cut down an entire tree since the forest had been scoured clean of firewood. (it is against our religion to buy firewood) We hiked a little bit, but mostly we cooked and ate and cooked some more. This was the trip to get sick on scones. After the last batch of dough had risen, some of the uncles had resorted to wrapping anything and everything they could find in dough and frying it. They were frying string cheese, bananas, brownies, candy bars, peanut butter &jelly, butter - and probably more things that I wasn't around to see.

Even though camping is a lot of work and a lot of planning, it was a lot of fun. The real fun for me was being with family, and laughing till it hurts around the fire until all hours of the night. The only thing missing was Grandma and Grandpa (but we are really glad you are where you are) (did that come out rude? I didn't mean it like that - we love you and miss you).

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